Meat analogue, also known as alternative meat, meat substitute, is imitation meat that approximates certain aesthetic qualities such as texture, taste, and appearance of real meat. The meat analogue is quite well known among the general public, especially those who pursue a vegetarian lifestyle. The price of beef continues to soar that people have to think creatively to find alternative side dishes. One of them is by substituting food raw materials that are equivalent to the nutritional content of beef. One of the developing uses of vegetable protein sources is the manufacture of texturized vegetable protein (TVP). TVP is one of the meat analogue products made by modifying vegetable protein so that the texture resembles meat. You can find out more about meat substitute on

The development of artificial meat products is quite rapid in the international market. The advantages of artificial meat are its relatively cheaper price and guaranteed availability, as well as providing nutritional benefits. The very popular meat analogue market includes vegetarians, vegans, the general public who wish to reduce their consumption of animal meat for health or ethical reasons, and people following the religious dietary laws of Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism. The development of the use of meat analogue not only in-home cooking but this technology is also widely applied by industry to get around the high price of meat. They are looking for an alternative by using plant protein sources to replace some or all of the meat protein.

Soy protein intake or soy flour and gluten are usually used as the foundation for most meat analogues available on the market. Soy protein isolate is a very pure form of soy protein with a protein content of at least 90%. The process of extracting protein from soybeans begins with the dehulling, or decortication, of the seeds. The seeds are then treated with a solvent such as hexane to extract the oil from them. The oil-free soy foods are then suspended in water and treated with lye to dissolve the protein while leaving the carbohydrates behind. The lye solution is then treated with an acid to precipitate the protein, before washing and drying. The removal of fats and carbohydrates, resulting in a product that has a relatively neutral taste.


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